Vol. 1.1 Marzo 2008Comunicación de la Editora
Note It is our pleasure to introduce Volume 1, Number 1 of Crisolenguas,
a regular issue of our journal. We want to take this opportunity to
recall that 2008 is the year proclaimed by the United Nations General
Assembly as the International Year of Languages and that March 20 is
the day of the Journée Internationale de la Francophonie that we
are celebrating at the University of Puerto Rico with a variety of
activities from 10-14 March. We are proud to be a part of this
international effort to promote the study of languages and cultures
Crisolenguas is the e-journal of the Department of Foreign Languages at the University of Puerto, Río Piedras campus. Our goal is to publish articles that concern the languages, literatures and cultures that we teach in the Department: French, Italian, German, Portuguese, Latin and classic Greek. This first issue is representative of the variety of our teaching. It features five articles that cover four foreign languages: French, German, Italian, and Catalan in language, literature and translation. We take the opportunity to recall that Catalan is a romance language. It is the national language of Andorra, a co-official language in the Spanish autonomous communities of the Balearic Islands, Catalonia and Valencia, and in the city of Alghero in the Italian island of Sardinia. It is also spoken in the Roussillon region of Southern France. We want to thank our contributors, reviewers, and readers for making 2007 a very successful year for the beginnings of our journal. We are looking forward to receiving a greater number of submissions in 2008 that would be even more representative of our mission to promote the teaching of foreign languages in the Caribbean and in the world. “Second Language Composition in Independent Settings: Using Classroom-Assessment Techniques as a Self-instructional Tool” by Carolyn Gascoigne focuses on second language writing in independent settings and offers various strategies, cognitive, metacognitive, and managerial, that can be used to support the independent learning process and maximize self-efficacy in students’ performance. “La tierce langue de Nancy Huston” by Noelle Rinne examines the effects of biculturalism on the Anglo Canadian author Nancy Huston who writes both in English and French. The article shows in a selection of novels Cantique des Plaines, Nord perdu that Huston’s decision to write in both languages requires resorting to a “langue tierce” between French and English to understand her writing. “Alienation, Irony, and German Romanticism” by Rado Pribic explains the concept of Irony throughout literature from Ancient Greece to modern German literature. The author first shows the connection between Alienation and Irony by retracing the historical roots of Alienation back to Middle English and classical Latin, and defining the concept of Irony according to Greek philosophers. Then, he traces manifestations of Alienation and Irony from Middle High German literature to Romantic Irony. The discussion highlights the transformation of those concepts in protagonists that experience a feeling of otherness and have a tendency to perceive everything from two different aspects. “Il
teatro dell’Ariosto tra la tradizione latina e la ‘commedia
umana’ del Seicento” by Nicla Riverso. This essay focuses
on Ariosto’s comedies and Ariosto’s formidable task to
reconcile Latin tradition and Renaissance innovations. Ariosto was able
to follow Plautus and Terenzio’s classic theater but at the same
time, he created a comedy that portrayed in an intriguing, comic and
enjoyable way the contemporary society and its flaws. The essay
explains how Ariosto started the production of a new comedy that was
inspired by the daily life of common people living in Renaissance towns
and aimed at denouncing moral and intellectual deterioration together
with the corruption of traditional values of contemporary society.
“Caterina Albert: Translating Stories, a Dramatic Monologue, and a Novel” by Kathleen McNerney shares her experience as translator of the works of the Catalan author Caterina Albert while highlighting the difficulty to keep the rich linguistic variety, powerful expression, attention to detail, and great lyricism found in her stories. She illustrates the translator’s task by giving examples of David Rosenthal’s rendition of Solitud into English in addition to her own translations. “Entretien avec la conteuse Myriame El Yamani dans le cadre des activités pour la semaine de la francophonie du 10 au 14 mars 2008 à San Juan, Porto Rico”. Myriame El Yamani is a French speaking storyteller. She was born in Morocco of a Moroccan father and a French mother. She shares with us her experience as storyteller and shows the role of tales as vector of culture. Sincerely, Françoise Ghillebaert, Editor Copyright © 2008 Crisolenguas, ISSN 1941-1006. Articles are copyrighted by their respective authors. |
Vol. 1.2 Diciembre 2008Comunicación de la Editora |
Vol. 2 Número 2FECHA LÍMITE 30/04/2009 |
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